A Christmas Tree Story At Historic Richmond Town

For more than a century, the front and rear yards at Historic Richmond Town’s Edwards-Barton House have been home to beautifully cared-for flower, herb and vegetable gardens. Former resident, Antoinetta Aquilino tended stunning rose bushes and magnolia trees during her family’s nearly fifty year residence.  Her gardens were famous with-in her community.

Historic Richmond Town has continued this community tradition by recreating period landscapes similar to those passed. Today, the front yard of the Edwards-Barton house showcases a Norway Spruce and a Red Cedar tree, mimicking the yard’s appearance in 1900. The majestic Norway Spruce was just 15-feet tall when it was planted in 2001. Today, this stunning testament to landscape restoration stands more than four stories high and is nearly 70 feet in circumference. 

This magnificent tree will be the focal point of the up-coming Christmas in Richmond Town event when more than 2,000 feet of lights will adorn its lofty boughs for the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Join us as we continue this delightful tradition, Sunday December 8th, from 11:00AM to 5:00PM.

More information here. 

Sarah Hermann