GRACE-ful Glee and HRT Light It Up Blue

Daytrippers to New York City’s living history village also experience a new education program entitled “Sensory Sundays,” which offers programming that broadens the site’s accessibility and enhances the visitor experience for people on the Autism Spectrum.

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Sarah Hermann
Lindsey Loves HRT

Imagine traveling to all five boroughs in a single day and taking in historic sites and museums along way. That's just a regular work day for Lindsey Mulholland, and we caught up with her during a recenty visit to NYC's living history village.


She is also working closely with the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, where she has created programs for elementary school students that allow them to experience the museum exhibits in a new and more tactile way.

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Sarah Hermann
NYC’s Premiere Meat and Greet: BBQ Cookoff Hails the Beginning of Spring

Amazing grill masters and saucy royalty from all over the East Coast and Canada will smoke-up the streets of Historic Richmond Town at New York City’s only Officially Sanctioned Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) Cookoff.  

The best part?  When the cooks compete, you eat. And this year is no different.  The 7th Annual NYC BBQ Cookoff features 30 teams who provide hungry guests a sample of their best as they compete for the $1,000 first prize.  Have a favorite? Text message your choice for the People’s Choice Award!

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Sarah Hermann
Breaking Through Barriers

Historic Richmond Town illuminates the intersection of three ancient Staten Island roads to shed light on those living with Autism Spectrum Disorders in recognition of Autism Awareness Month.

The installation, “Breaking Through Barriers,” was created by renowned local artist Scott LoBaido, and is located within a post and beam structure that represents the site of Staten Island’s First County Courthouse, at the confluence of Arthur Kill, Richmond, and Richmond Hill Roads. The installation includes eight blue figures positioned around the exterior of the structure, in poses that evoke a struggle to break through the invisible barriers. 

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Sarah Hermann
Apprenticeships build real-world skills by learning the Historic Trades and the meaning of American Ingenuity

Historic Richmond Town’s rich array of apprenticeships build real world skills based upon centuries of American ingenuity. The program is a wonderful alternative to the tried and true summer camp. Individualized sessions in small groups accelerate learning as students work with an experienced Artisan to build their skills forging iron, weaving baskets, carving wood, crafting tin, and open-hearth cooking as they create one-of-a-kind, hand crafted items.

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