New Exhibition Opening April 11, Don’t Forget to Vote

2020 is an election year, and Historic Richmond Town is celebrating with a new exhibition opening on April 11 during our Spring in Historic Richmond Town event! The rear gallery of the Historical Museum will soon be home to a new and exciting exhibition focusing on the ever-changing modes of the election process. 

Don’t Forget to Vote will offer visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the election process as it existed in different eras of American History. They will also be able to confront political issues of the day including Women’s Suffrage, Consolidation and Secession, and the Modernization of the Voting Process.

On display will be a myriad of original documents and artifacts from the Museum’s collection, including: election tally sheets; political campaign materials; photographs; and images of past political activities. See a campaign button from Abraham Lincoln and artifacts from the 1993 Staten Island secession vote.

Don’t Forget to Vote opens on April 11 and will be open until May 2, 2021.

Sarah Hermann