An Exhibition of Photographic Portraits by Vinnie Amessé
The magnitude of the September 11 attacks moved many people to commemorate the tragic events in a tangible way. The people featured in these photographs have chosen to express themselves through tattoos.
Each person has a unique story to tell, yet there are common threads. Many had never previously considered getting a tattoo, but were so affected by the events of September 11 that they felt the need for a permanent reminder. Some have been comforted by the physical immediacy of a memorial tattoo, as a way of keeping a loved one close at all times. Still others have used their tattoos to express deeply held feelings about patriotism, faith, and a sense of community.
Staten Island photographer Vinnie Amessé has created powerful images of these very personal expressions. Together with each person's own words, they present an emotional tale of life after September 11.